Covid-19 Update (August 23, 2022)

Dear FBC Family, Friends, and Visitors…
For the past three years, coming together safely for worship, Bible study, and prayer has been a challenge for churches around the world. First Baptist of Fort Pierce has also been impacted, but with God’s help, we have been able to continue to worship, minister to one another, and serve to help our community and the world. The safety plan in place at First Baptist Church continues to evolve as new variants of the virus emerge, vaccine is distributed, and knowledge of how to safely meet together has taken on clearer dimensions. Our “updated" plan is simple: First Baptist has returned to one Sunday morning worship service . . . While masks are NO LONGER required while inside the buildings, we encourage anyone who feels more comfortable wearing a mask indoors to do so.

Please keep in mind:
• Our desire is, while you are at FBC, to make you as safe and comfortable as possible. This allows us all to keep the focus where it should be, on worship and service to our Lord and Master.

Additional Observations/Needs:
• We are NOT REQUIRING A MASK be worn inside the buildings, but masks are available for you, if you wish to use one but do not have yours.
• Sanitizer is available at the main doors of both buildings.
• Offerings, Visitor Information Cards, & Prayer Sheets will be placed at or near the doors in order to minimize human contact.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Pastor Ron on his cell phone at 772-924-6835.